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5 ways to update your garden


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Hi there lovelies,

After just getting back from my fab holiday in Crete, I am revelling in all the amazing times we had, and memories we created.

The joy of slowing down, relaxing, having time for yourself & your family ... being in flow!!

I'm all for keeping that holiday vibe going!!

My tips below will help you keep that SPARKLE alive, in fabulous garden fashion, for as long as you can! ✨✨


Tile in Style !!

LOVE this!! Every time you glance outside it's all about the Moroccan feels ... pour your mint tea, close your eyes and evoke the smoky mystery of Tangier ... ooh yes please!

There's now a whole array of beautiful patterned tiles available that are suitable for outside. THE DREAM! Patterned porcelain is most indeed go!


Let nature do it's thing..

Perfect for all you control freaks out there (yep, that would be me too!!)

By adding stepping stones & gravel, nature can find its way (but in a controlled fashion 😘) ... that's the way (ah huh, ah huh) I like it!!


Festoon Lighting

Aren't these just delicious! Think little French market squares at nighttime ... and create your own gorgeousness with just a string of lights.

They really do add a whallop of flexible fabulousness, either through sun-harnessing solar versions (best get them quickly though!), or plug-ins relying on electricity and its ever-increasing price.

Sparkle babes ✨


Lounging ...

Even a small back space can be transformed into another living room!!

Create a space on your patio or garden with some beautiful seating for outdoor chilling!!

Layer with cushions for luxurious, squidgy deliciousness, and for extra snuggling as the cold nights appear. 💕


Give it some Welly!

If like me, you get a bit sentimental about kids' old clothes and objects - this one's for you!

There's something about wellies that takes me back to those days of splashing in puddles, and feeding the ducks ... and a whole lot less flippin' X-Box!!

Not only is planting in their old wellies super-cute, and environmentally friendly ... it also helps remind us that our Teens were once gorgeous! 🙄


For more tips & tricks on how to make your garden fun and gorgeous, follow along on Pinterest here.

Big sunny wishes to you my lovely.



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